Software Development Developers & Programmers

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Dhiraj Kumar

Web and software Developer

More than 7 years Experienced WEB Developer with outstanding programming skills that allow to create high-quality and bug-free products. I have stron............. More

More than 7 years Experienced WEB Developer with outstanding programming skills that allow to create high-quality and bug-free products. I have strong experience in the following areas: + DotNet 3.5 (Upwork Test Passed) + ADO.NET 2003 (Upwork Test Passed) + Dot Net Fundamentals (Upwork Test Passed) + ASP.NET, + C#, + MSSQL, + MVC, + JavaScript, + JQuery, + Ajax + Entity Framework, + Nhibernate, + LINQ + Integrations via API, JSON: Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Google Maps etc. + Basic SEO Less

location image icon India  -  Last days :  0 days ago - Tests:0

  • Html
  • Css
  • Photoshop
  • Jquery
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  • Html
  • Css
  • Photoshop
  • Jquery
  • Xml
  • Iphone sub1
  • Android sub2
  • Android sub4
  • Android sub4
  • Ajax sub1
  • Ajax sub5
  • CMS sub1
  • CMS sub2
  • CMS sub3
  • CMS sub4
  • CMS sub5
  • SQL sub1
  • MYSQL sub2
  • MYSQL sub3
  • MYSQL sub4
  • MYSQL sub5
  • sub1
  • sub2
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  • sub4
  • Less
