Ajax sub1 Developers & Programmers

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Dhiraj Kumar

Web and software Developer

More than 7 years Experienced WEB Developer with outstanding programming skills that allow to create high-quality and bug-free products. I have strong experience in the following areas: + DotNet 3.5.... More

More than 7 years Experienced WEB Developer with outstanding programming skills that allow to create high-quality and bug-free products. I have strong experience in the following areas: + DotNet 3.5 (Upwork Test Passed) + ADO.NET 2003 (Upwork Test Passed) + Dot Net Fundamentals (Upwork Test Passed) + ASP.NET, + C#, + MSSQL, + MVC, + JavaScript, + JQuery, + Ajax + Entity Framework, + Nhibernate, + LINQ + Integrations via API, JSON: Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Google Maps etc. + Basic SEO Less

location image India  -  Last days :  0 day ago - Tests:0

  • Html
  • Css
  • Photoshop
  • Jquery
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  • Html
  • Css
  • Photoshop
  • Jquery
  • Xml
  • Iphone sub1
  • Android sub2
  • Android sub4
  • Android sub4
  • Ajax sub1
  • Ajax sub5
  • CMS sub1
  • CMS sub2
  • CMS sub3
  • CMS sub4
  • CMS sub5
  • SQL sub1
  • MYSQL sub2
  • MYSQL sub3
  • MYSQL sub4
  • MYSQL sub5
  • ASP.net sub1
  • ASP.net sub2
  • ASP.net sub3
  • ASP.net sub4
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Php developer

Well experienced php developer having experience in codeigniter, CakePHP, shopify, Drupal, Magento, WordPress, PrestaShop, larval and angular js.... More

Well experienced php developer having experience in codeigniter, CakePHP, shopify, Drupal, Magento, WordPress, PrestaShop, larval and angular js Less

location image India  -  Last days :  0 day ago - Tests:0

  • Html
  • Css
  • Jquery
  • Xml
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  • Html
  • Css
  • Jquery
  • Xml
  • Php sub1
  • Php sub2
  • Php sub3
  • Php sub4
  • Php sub5
  • Ajax sub1
  • MYSQL sub2
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Ashish Patel


Developer.... More

Developer Less

location image India  -  Last days :  0 day ago - Tests:0

  • Html
  • Css
  • Jquery
  • Xml
  • More
  • Html
  • Css
  • Jquery
  • Xml
  • Iphone sub1
  • Android sub1
  • Php sub1
  • Ajax sub1
  • CMS sub1
  • SQL sub1
  • MYSQL sub2
  • Less