Last modified: Jan 13, 2015 Jobider reserves the right to change the Guidelines & Policies at any time.
The Jobider community consists of professionals from all around the world. To help create and take part in a secure and high-quality working environment, you agree to provide only real and verifiable identity information for your Jobider User Account.
Jobider User Profiles must provide accurate information about the Job bidder’s experience, skills and all other relevant personal details.
All profile pictures should be clear and appropriate for any professional working community. Logos, clip art, group pictures, or pictures that have been digitally manipulated are forbidden.
Only one account per user is allowed. User Accounts cannot be duplicated or shared with others.
It is not allowed to impersonate Jobider or any other company, or to falsely imply having representative functions.
Publishing contact information (such as e-mail, phone number or Skype ID) on a User Profile is strictly prohibited.
Spam offers for services will not be tolerated.
All job applications should be accurate, relevant and professional. Successful Job bidders are the ones who only apply to projects they have the skills and abilities to complete.
All job applications should be written in English. They should include anappropriate cover letter that was written for the particular job. Copy-pasted cover letters with little or no relevance to the project are considered spam.
Job applications should not include the following:
-Offers for giving or receiving good feedback;
- Offers for illegal services or activities, including violation of international copyright and intellectual property laws;
-Offensive or deprecating language.
We want to ensure all sides involved in the Jobider Community are treated with fairness and respect.
(Keep in mind that the Jobider Guarantee does not apply to projects with fixed prices or for manually charged time. For more information, refer to Section 5.4 of the Jobider User Agreement.)
For the safety of all Jobiderers, it is forbidden to askfor or make payments outside the Jobider platform. Please, report immediately all circumstances when you were asked or offered job to be done outside the Jobider platform.
Refer to Section 2.4.3 of the Jobider User Agreement for more information.
Upon ending a contract, leave honest and objective feedback. The best feedback should be helpful, productive and focus on facts. Thus, both the recipient and the Jobider Community will benefit from it.
Normally, feedback will not be censored or investigated by Jobider. On rare occasions, however, we may delete ratings and feedback which violate our Guidelines and/or User Agreement. We may remove or edit feedback which includes:
Spam, advertising or other commercial content;
Illegal activity endorsement;
Personal details of another user;
Irrelevant political, religious or social comments;
Disrespectful, vulgar, threatening or discriminatory comments or adult material.
All attempts to manipulate, falsify or pressure another user in regards to feedback are strictly forbidden. Threatening negative feedback or offering to sell or buy services in exchange for positive feedback are against our User Policy.
A team of Job bidders may be represented by an agency on the platform. The job bidder’s agencies are responsible for the quality of service and all actions of their members. All agency members, including managers and administrators, must act in agreement with the Jobider Policies and User Agreements.
An agency cannot own or restrict a contractor’s User Profile or user’s departure. Client history and feedback will be retained by the agency upon the Job bidder’s departure.
Violations of the following Jobider policies may result in account suspension of the agency and its members:
All agency members must comply with the Jobider User Policy and Agreement.
Agencies must use the Jobider platform when contacting and working with clients.
Every agency member must have their own Jobider User Profile created according to the current guidelines and associated with the agency. Sharing accounts is forbidden.
If a member leaves the agency, the agency cannot continue using their profile or restrict its future use.
Agencies may not advertise to recruit members on Jobider.
Agency profiles may not advertise products or services outside or beyond the scope of the platform.
Agency managers may not apply on behalf of members who are unable, unwilling or unavailable to do so themselves.
Agency managers must communicate with the client who will be working on their project and inform them if any changes are made.